The Sacred and Profane Mask

The film DANCES SACRED AND PROFANE was a documentary made about photographer Charles Gatewood.  I met Charles when I was working at QSM, when he came in one day and asked Karen if he could ask any of her employees if they wanted some part-time work doing his bulk mail catalog processing. We dropped 7000 catalogs every three months at QSM, so doing the Gatewood mailing list of a few thousand was easy.  I did that for him for years, and then built him his first website.

In the film, the longest segment features Charles and Fakir Musafar, and their trip to Devil's Tower in Wyoming to stage a Sun Dance.  They have Jim Ward of Guantlet along too, and he and Fakir enact the ritual while Charles photographs it.  I had a t-shirt with the film name and the logo of Fakir in mid-hang from a later release of the film by Fakir, in the early 2000s.  

I got to know Fakir when I lived in San Francisco, and came to have a complex brand on one of my legs, as burnt by him in a workshop at QSM in 2001.  I had gotten to know Fakir because I and friends attended more than one of the piercing days sessions attached to his teaching workshops, as a way to get professional but low-cost body piercings in the late 90s.  I also knew him socially from attending the same kinky community parties over the years.

The outer layer of this mask crafted from the film t-shirt, and features the logo of Fakir, hanging while pierced through the chest, on the right-side face of the mask.